Yesterday, I put the cleaned carb back together and then re-fitted it to Bertie. The fuel tap had been soaking in petrol so I refitted that as well, filled the petrol tank with a 50:1 ish mix of petrol and two stroke oil, then refitted the petrol tank. A bit of pedalling later and he was running. He stays running for longer than he did before but still isn't quite right. To be fair, the exhaust system is missing so I just cobbled on a knackered Ariel 3 one. I can't take him for a test ride because the Ariel 3 downpipe stops the front wheel from turning and the tyres (which look as if they are the original ones) almost certainly won't hold any air! I'm going to be funding his "restoration" entirely from funds raised by selling stuff on ebay so my next step is to raise enough money to buy some nice new tyres and tubes.
It seems to be a good way of shifting rust from an Ariel 3 exhaust!
WKR: The Maker’s Mark
Kyle said, “It used to be that a young guy with ability, who no one knew
could show up and win a race. But now it takes more.”
The post WKR: The Maker’s M...
11 hours ago
They sound good, look good too. What kind of camera device are you using for your videos? They are so much clearer than my antiquated Kodak. Have never head of any of these machines over here. Now go over to my blog and see what you make of the "racing moped" I came across.
ReplyDeleteMy camera is a Panasonic Lumix - I'm very pleased with it. Heading over to your blog now ;-)
ReplyDeleteSFB...while doing some surfing I came across Berties distant relative....I'll put it on FaceAche for ya. Tried to do a linky thing but no go
ReplyDeleteNice to see that moped lunacy is still alive and well!